
Best TV Theme Songs: Children Shows Part 2

Here we go again, part 2 of those insanely catchy, will be singing them throughout the day Children's Theme Songs that make you wish that you could still watch said cartoons and the world not be frowned upon you. But for now, we will let you  reminisce for while.....until you have to go back to work that is. 

 Pinky And The Brain

Pinky & The Brain are two laboratory mice who try to take over the world. Every single night. There isn't much to point out other than about 100% of the time it always fails but the hilarity between the two is pure gold. Despite the fact that the idiot/genius set up has been used since Laurel and Hardy, Warner Brothers add a slice of originality to this classic cartoon. And the theme song? The dark 1950's esque tune that pretty much tells you the story line with a bunch of men chanting along. Creepy? Yes. Catchy? Yes. 


Those heads at Warner Bros sure don't mess around when it comes to their cartoons or theme songs. Following a similar vein that Pinky & The Brain does, Freakazoid's title is that snappy swinging tune with men and women repetitively saying his name along with singing about his past, what he is and why he is. For those who haven't watched the cartoon though (and it is by far the most underrated cartoon ever. EVER!) Freakazoid is exactly that, a freak. He is an intelligent superhero he is above all things friggin' insane. Hence the pure genius of the show. Go on, call in sick at work and go watch some. I'll wait to move on. 

Fairly Odd Parents.

There's a reason these three clips are put together because of the similarity between the theme songs. This one even has the snapping. You can practically see the barbershop quartet leaning in with big grins and strumming their fingers away all in pinstripes with this one. But nonetheless it is still awesome, especially with the cameos of the characters such as the sensible Wanda and the loony Cosmo, the Fairy Godparents in which Timmy Turner has to help him with his day to day life against his crazy parents and brutal older sister Vicky. With wishes a plenty, Timmy Turner gets into much mischief with his fairies. Just make sure you don't watch the Nickalodean film. Whatever you do. Even if you are tricked by someone. You know who I'm talking about. Dinkleberg!

Care Bears

Don't you feel warm and fuzzy? Don't you feel the trouble of the world falling away from you as you listen to the theme song? No? Then you must be the dastardly No Heart and his brainless henchmen Screechy and Beastly. In this theme song, you can practically hear the emotional air grab as the singer bits his lip with heartfelt emotion. The Care Bears were your average toddler cartoon; each had their own personality disorder (Grumpy, Braveheart etc.) and some sort of love laser bursting out of their stomach. They would be sent down to teach earth about love and courage as well as each other using moral lessons. It is pretty much the bomb when it comes to learning about friendship. 

Poddington Peas

On a list of songs that will get into your head, this theme song is one of them. The tune is quite clearly a castaway from some 80's band who deemed it too unsuitable for a single but was soon eaten up by the BBC for a children's tv show. Shame of that 80's band. Incidentally, it is perhaps the British version of The Smurfs but green garden peas instead of blue creatures and had antropromorphic names like Creep-Pea (creepy, get it?) and no word of a lie Black-Eyed Pea (dammit Fergie.) They live at the bottom of the garden and have all-sorts of adventures with our day to day things.

Cat Dog

Can you remember that period of time where Nickalodean and other channels accepted a large number of, what I like to call them, batshit crazy cartoons and tried to pass them off as kids shows? (I'm looking at you Ren & Stimpy) Cat Dog was one of them. Now generally I can accept fairies, talking bears and other creations to entertain you after school. And I can even accept conjoined animals, but conjoined without a bottom? Two heads? Really? Still, it was entertaining enough and the theme show had that inbred...I mean red neck.. feel about it. 

Horrid Henry

Perhaps one of the two more recent cartoons to feature in these articles and for a good reason (I'm not being bitter but modern day cartoon theme songs suck..........a lot.) Horrid Henry, however, has enough gusto, guitars and a thoroughly annoying song to get in your head. With Nananananana's a go go, Horrid Henry is the child parents don't want but children love. He is, well, horrid and not a day goes by when he isn't getting into trouble. It's the plight of every child that is sung sweetly on the theme song that gets right to your heart string about the unfair situation they find themselves in. *wipes tear*


Set in Bluffington, Doug is about the trials and tribulations of grade schooler Doug Funnie as he maneuvers through life trying to get the girl, Patti Mayonnaise. Along with his best friend Skeeter and some whacky coloured characters, Doug finds solace in his diary. Now, the theme song is very simple and lovely but there are two and it depends on which one you prefer. Whether its the Nickelodeon acapella beat box and vocal or the Disney whistle, Doug has a memorable sound that you wont forget. So here is both; 


Saved By The Bell. 

More for our teenage eyes but still watched at whatever age we learnt what a remote was, Saved By The Bell was a television series that battled with the hard issues of puberty but with a comical 80's twist. It centre on Zach Morris, the narrator,  and his gang of friends as the attend Bayside High School. It was one of the most popular teen series ever and created two spin offs, a TV movie, a comic book series and a seriously unwanted sex tape from Screech (hey, remember when he grew up and became this extremely annoying high pitched idiot?.) The theme song summed up everything about a teenage; late for school, no homework and rocking guitar riffs. 


The best of the Warner Brothers cartoons, Animaniacs busted boundries with its child slapstick and unashamedly adult humor (or as the writers called "what can we slip past the censors?") The show  follows three siblings, Dot, Yakko and Wakko as they cause mayhem on the Warner Brother lots (after being locked away for years) much to the disdain of the shows head. They drop in on all of our favourite cartoons as well as films and pop culture causing and wrecking a lot on their way. The theme song is sang by the trio in a combination of random plot points and serious looniness. It is certainly a highlight of any childhood along with the brilliance of Wakko's Beatles accent. 

Thats all folks!


Next week we will look at Sitcom Theme Songs but if you think I've missed any more children shows please comment or send an email to hyperballad13@hotmail.co.uk. And if I have enough I'll create a Part 3. Trust me, I just thought of 3 more myself. 

P.S The Simpsons, is not a children's cartoon.
                                                          P.P.S I'll tell you why at a later post.

1 comment:

  1. Damn it! I have allll of those songs in my head now!
