
Box Office News

They really do clutch at straws, movie makers don't they? Since Transformers fell of its track (after five minutes of the first movie I might add) we have been looking for something to replace it. Enter the Transformers younger cousin Real Steel, a movie based on, I kid you not, the Rock Em Sock Em battle bots. And it is taking America by storm fighting its way to top of the box office. It earned a whopping £27.3million edging the ever adorable Dolphin Tale into third with George Clooney's political drama (thrilling) The Ides of March coming in second.

Over in the UK, we aren't that better as English comedy Johnny English Reborn is our number one film. Eight years after the first film release, we get to see the hapless secret agent bumble its way to the top accumulating £4.97 million. That's nearly double The Lion King re-release that came in second with £2.7 million.

It's disappointing England. We can do so much better. What comes out this week?

Dear God!


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