About Me

Hello my film fanatics and welcome to Cookie N Screen, for your viewing pleasure.

My name is Sarah Cook but for quite obvious reason people tend to call me Cookie (plus "Sarah" doesn't really work for a pun based name about movies, trust me I worked on a lot of names.)

I am currently a creative writing student for University Of Greenwich but work at The Crow's Nest (the student paper,) write reviews for www.guitar-cafe.co.uk and also work at The Disney Store (so I have my work cut out.)

I aim to not only give you on the pulse reviews (if you are reading this before August 12th then no, I'm sorry but I am currently waiting to see new releases and I am visiting family,) but film news as I get it, some hard hitting articles about film and TV, backstage passes and hopefully some witty insights to the world of cinema (and occasionally TV.) 

And here is a bit of Cookie film history - one of the first films I saw, I was sat so close to the edge I had a nosebleed and had to be escorted out of the cinema.

Take Care guys...

TTFN or Ta-Ta For Now
