
Film News Round Up: 13th October

Well well well, I felt ridiculously guilty about my previous post that despite downing my fifteenth lemsip and surround by a pile of tissues, I thought that I might as well write about the movie news that have hit my ears over the past 7 - 8 days. And I have a funny feeling one of these tid-bits for you may be the reason why I am ill. Have a guess which one it is.

Good News: 

It's BFI time! and the film 360 kicks starts an exciting month of brand new cinema. I've been smart and booked tickets for some of them so I can give you only the best of reviews in the only way I see fit (dry and sarcastic, of course)As well as movies, the BFI is a host to interviews and of course a bunch of wonderful awards. Of the stars who arrived on the red carpet were stars of the movie Anthony Hopkins and  Jude Law as well Tom Hiddleston and Terry Gilliam. The BFI London Film Festival carries on til the 26th of October and you can catch 360 in cinemas next year as it tells the story of relationships and loves throughout the course of different countries.

I re-watched The Dark Knight the other day and there is some stellar acting in it. No, that's not the news (if I had it my way though, it would be. every day,) but its a segue as I am lamenting one of this generations more underrated actors; Aaron Eckhart. But luckily, he has signed on to play the creature in Steven Beatties I, Frankenstein. A long with five other movies in production on the Mary Shelley story, this one is set to be different from the rest as it focuses on the creature and his part in a battle between two immortal gangs. It is an unique spin that will hopefully set it apart. It does mean, though, we get to once again see Eckharts luscious locks go under makeup again which is a shame because he is one rinse away from being the poster boy for L'Oreal.


Finally in the good news the 80's teen hero John Cussack has all grown up and is playing Amercia's favourite demented writer (I say America because we have loads more crazy assed writers) Edgar Allen Poe in The Raven and the trailer has just hit online. And trust me, it looks goooooood. The Raven revolves around a series of murders based on the horror stories Poe had created (The Pit And The Pendulum, The Tale Tell Heart etc.) The writer is called in firstly under suspicion but soon becomes help to the detective Emmett Fields  (the most American classic name ever, seriously Emmett?) It looks like its full of twists and possible historical inaccuracies (like oodles of them from what I gather of the trailer) but nonetheless it looks ace. Check out the trailer)

Bad News

Don't get me wrong, I love Rob Zombies work but that's because somewhere inside me there is a sick and twisted 14 year old goth that I used to be. So I secretly love House of 1000 Corpses despite its disturbing horror porn connotations. However, since bastardizing the Halloween classics with *shudder* remakes, Zombie is a name spoken with venom in my house. There's a lot of money going into the Zombie jar this week as he casts for his new movie Lord Of Salem. The premise involves ressurected Salem witches and haunted records that don't sound like an really bad 80's horror movie at all. On the career death list are Billy Drago, Meg Foster and Ernest Thomas so Zombie is hitting it with all the A-Listers. Oops looks like I out did my sarcasm quota for today.

The Human Centipede 2 now or as I like to call it "The most unnecessary film that is there merely to offend because Tom Sixx is a sick individual and I can't believe there is a part 2. Part 2." And The BBFC have given in to its demands giving it an 18 certificate. Of course, a lot of editing had to be done (which means the film will probably be title, screaming and then credits and thus better than anything originally planned) After cutting around 2 minutes and 32 seconds the film will be released over in the UK. And will no doubt be passed around illegally through 13 year old boys. I am honestly damn disappointed about this. To cheer me and you up;


And finally, perhaps the most shocking news to feature on the bad news; The Avengers. I've been harping about this movie for a while and finally a trailer hits. And it's shockingly disappointing. I get that the premise is an amalgamation of all our favourite heroes (forgetting that they have forgotten about the X-Men in this) but The Avengers trailers seems too much like the same as any other trailer they have released for Superhero movies. I'm not going to lie, I may have wet my pants out of excitement of seeing it the first time but the second time I see all its faults. An evil super villain voice over? Check. Explosions? Check. Not introducing important characters? Check. Relying on the comedic relief of everyones favourite? Check. Samuel L Jackson being badass? Check. It seems too much like Iron Man 3 at the moment rather than The Avengers. The film is going to be great, I know, but there isn't much hope after seeing this. Maybe closer to the time they can do better than this piece of trailer crap they have done. Check it out. 

Altogether now: Meh! 


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