
Box Office News

Its yet again another week of repeats this week as both Real Steel and Johnny English manage to stick to their top spots respectively. In America, Real Steel clings on with the "you're boyfriend will love this for the fighting and father son relationship" movie making $16.3 million whilst shocking remakes Footloose and The  Thing come limping in disappointingly (or rightfully so) at 2nd and 3rd place.

Over where we live Mr Bean's A Spy otherwise known as Johnny English saves itself from tumbling down the box office charts and fighting off The Three Muskateers to secure top spot taking £3.1 million. TTM, with their near perfect hair for the 18th century, came in third whilst The Lion King, (boo yah) still sits in second.

All this just makes me worry about the state of people going to the cinema. I mean really, these two films have a second week on the top of the box office and the brilliant Drive only came in 7th?

A plague on all your houses.


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