
Film News Round Up: 5th October Bad News

So here is the second half of the Film News Round Up but its the scary half. The bad bad bad  why must you torture me half that can't be read with the lights off. You'll be having Twilight nightmares for the rest of your life.

Bad News

In similar vein to Thomas Harris writing that book and film which shall not be named, Stephen King has decided to resurrect the blinding book The Shining and create a sequel. Ok so it's not really to do with movies but no doubt Hollywood are drooling at the possibility to make it (I'm mean, look how quickly the release of THAT book got made into THAT film.) After thirty years since the original, how is it going to appeal to a younger more hip audience? That's right, vampires. Goddamn vampires. Yet another reason why you should hate Twilight. The Shining was a phenomenon that capture the fear in the hearts of everyone. Vampires, nowadays, are sparkly. Gives a whole new meaning to The Shining.

On the similar note and just because you know how much I like to rip apart plans for sequels but Owen Wilson has talked about a Zoolander 2 movie. This has already been spoken about by Ben Stiller but now more details have emerged about the...sigh... sequel. It is to be set ten years into the future and apparently Hansel has lost all his looks in a disfiguring accident (insert Owen Wilson joke here.) Don't get me wrong, I fricken love Zoolander but has the time passed for a sequel. Are they just flogging any old shite from Hollywood? Yes, please see Final Destination 5 for more details.

And finally Mortal Kombat. The so bad it's good game turned movie is getting a reboot and I am thrilled. Thrilled because I have more stuff to write about in a witty scathing way. No doubt the new Mortal Kombat will be taken as serious as the ridiculous Fast Furious 5 (that is that it takes it self too serious) and will drive away from the rubbish that made Mortal Kombat kind of legendary. That said a serious of shorts and trailers have hit our screens and the web series were a big hit. Maybe I am wrong or maybe I am skeptical and it could really turn out well.

Or maybe I have seen this.


Point, game, match.


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