
Box Office News

Boo, I am sorry that Films News Round Up is late this week due to prior commitments but you'll get it tomorrow. I'll even add some extra shiznit for you beautiful eyes. Honestly though, it hasn't been majorly up or down this week.  The biggest news is what I am about to give you. Right. Now.

Well, you've heard it before but still I think it is ace that The Lion King re release has trumped the USA box office yet again. It fought off films such as baseball film Moneyball and amputee film Dolphin's Tale. Like a proud lioness stalks its prey (seriously? that was the best lion analogy I could come up with? Man, I'm tired.) The Lion King another $22 million to secure top spot. The re-release is supposedly only for two weeks but with it raking in an impressive $390 million, expect Disney to keep a hold of this one.

Over the pond, homemade British film with a hint of Swedish (like your mum dancing to Abba at your cousins wedding. You know the wedding....,) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy took £2.1 million and was still top of the class (a-team) beating Crazy Stupid Love to second place. Warrior came in at third and Drive came in a less than impressive fifth. Boo on that. Mind you, you do get to see a semi naked Gosling and Emma Stone. I can't really blame you for that. Stone trumps all.

Yes, you heard me.




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