
Films To Go See This Week.

Ah well its that time of the week again where I tell you what you probably already know if you have seen a billboard or a bus go by (which, technically, doesn't count because I saw an Iron Man 2 advertisement today and that was a while back.) Anyway, there are several films that have already gotten 4 to 5 out of stars from critics (like I said before, my film review of what I hope to be Drive wont be out until Monday due to clashes with, you know, life.) Go watch them, they may be the best film of the year in your eyes (and too many people are harping on about how great Friends With Benefits is)


Hmmm there are two Ryan Gosling movies out this week. So if you haven't had your Gosling fix and your TheNotebook DVD is skipping ("everrrryyyydayyyy for a a a a yeaaaar") than take a gander at this beauty. Ryan Gosling plays Driver, a no named Hollywood stunt driver who moonlights with the mob on weekends (as you do.) Unfortunately, a heist goes wrong and soon the Driver gets embroiled in a whole lot of mess since an attempt is left on his head . Its a vicious fight for survival as Driver is hunted for, well, for blood.

Driver has already received rave reviews as well as a standing ovation from the Cannes Film Festival. You'll get my review of it Monday but until then, watch it and let me know what you think.

Crazy. Stupid. Love.

The second Gosling outing this week (and more of his body, yummers,) along with Julianne Moore and Steve Carrell. The latter play married couple Cal and Emily who hit a rough patch when one of them cheats on the other (thats Emily who did the dirty.) Instead of moping about, Cal seeks advice from ultimate singleton Jacob (Gosling) and soon Cal is back into dating. Despite all this, Cal is desperate for his marriage and relationship with his children to be back on track. And Jacob has his own worries.

Its a heart warming comedy about family values with hilarious moments.

Oh I'm sorry did I forget to mention it stars friggen Emma Stone. Thats better than the Gosling thing...


For the chav in you but definitely has some highlights *cough* Tom Hardy *cough.* But beneath it there is a genuine touching story line that I'm sure that your guy mates are salivating to watch. It centres around the MMA championships (Mixed Martial Arts) and both Brendan, a down and out teacher, and Tommy, an ex-marine, want the be winners. Problem is, they are both brothers. With the same loathing for their alcoholic dad and the drive to win, it all rests on a showdown. Who will come out top?

Its testosterone filled but it has a pulse beating beneath all those muscles (oooo, muscles) Definitely a dark horse of great cinema. 

Also out this week is Killer Elite, but if you go and watch that over any of the films above, I may have to not speak to you for a while.

I'm just saying.


1 comment:

  1. Dude...what about a possible mention of TROLL HUNTER! I have just seen it and ....AMAZING.
