
Film News Round Up: 19 - 28th September

Oh dear, I've dropped the ball. This week installment is two days late so by the time I tell you some of the news you are going to roll your eyes at me and go "Yes Cookie, I know, keep up." I am but one woman. After all, I'm pretty sure you don't come to this post for ground breaking news and just for the witty banter. I'm like Dave. Anyway, there are certain news to give you that I believe is the best news and the worst around.

Good News.

I'll admit it right off the bat. I have a numerous amount of weird crushes on actors who I shouldn't have weird crushes on. Like Neil Flynn, his psychotic janitor on Scrubs just gets me all gooey. I don't know why. It's an illness. On that list of crushes is the creepy but brilliant actor Jackie Earle Haley from the latest A Nightmare On Elm Street infamy. So this is good news because he is in a new film and its a Spielberg movie! He will play Andrew Stephens; the vice president of the Confederate States and a bit of a git to American hero Lincoln during the abolishing of slavery. Damn, he really does get a raw deal does our Haley, doesn't he?

Talking about new Haley movies, he is in the Tim Burton take on television series Dark Shadows (you know the worldwide famous show...........yeah I haven't heard of it either.) Sure to be a creep fest the film is about a vampire who is dug up and attempts to reintegrate with his living descendants. It's a Tim Burton film so it stars Johnny Depp as the main character Barnabas Collins (Dammit, Barnabas was going to be the name of my first born child,) and Helen Boham Carter. But the film also stars Michelle Milf-ieffer, sorry, Pfieffer and the new pictures came online.

Yeah, I think that old guy at the back is Jackie Earle Haley. Yummers.

Oh my god. It's Noel Fielding. 

Well no, it's Johnny Depp but seriously separated at birth! 

Remember the brilliant Roald Dahl BFG book when you were a child? And the cartoon with David Jason as the voice and the incredibley terrifying mean Giants who eat children? Well, it's being tackled again and the kid within me just jumped for joy! It's going to be live action and it is written by ET writer Melissa Mathison so its sure going to be a family favourite. I am more than excited about this despite no actors or directors being assigned to it yet. Who doesn't want to see The Big Friendly Giant again? No, I thought so, you squealed too. The only problem is wheres my The Twits movie? That would be epic and great as a Tim Burton film. Get on it dude with Depp and Burton! 

So I have a secret, I secretly like Avatar. Its a bit like Glee, the storyline is rubbish but it is so pretty. So with the Pocahontas break big box office moolah, Disney have decide to cash in on this and plans are underway for an Avatar ride at the Animal Kingdom. Bob Iger (honestly, that name in my circles is Godlike.) Construction will go underway 2013 and will be based on sections of Pandora. I am very excited to see if they build a glow in the dark section. So so pretty. 

Bad News. 

The Human Centipede 2 is back waving its controversy around like that kooky weird girl who sleeps around with no shame. I have to say that I believe its the worst film ever made. Not because its classically bad or the acting is rubbish but because it is made to sicken and "entertain." I hate that with so much stories to tell a perverse tale made to shock people gets a sequel. Anyway, the new poster is just as bad with it screaming "Banned in the UK," which isn't technically true. It has been refused a certification but it isn't exactly banned but as that article mentions, the original was a disgusting horror movie but this one goes beyond that. It wont be shown over here though though. I've said before though, I wont show you anything to do with this film. 


Talking about kittens, new photos of Anne Hathaway's Catwoman hit the internet the other day and a lot are fairly disappointed. Probably because of the immense greatness of the original Catwoman's costumes whether it is the Julie Newmar or Pfieffer they have been sexy or cheesy. These new photos though show Hathaway's costume being very bland or non. We are all no doubt excited about The Dark Knight Rises but this may be the one thing that ruins the whole thing. Don't do it Nolan! At least give her some better ears. Or a tail!

We move on to the Wanted that film that was based on the graphic novel. When we say based, they striped away all the amazing parallel universe and super villain stuff and made it a basic action movie. So rubbish basically (and they had so much to work with.) Anyway, Wanted 2 is moving forward apparently with the writers back on board and excited about working on it. If you don't remember the first movie, it starred Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman. That's all you need to know.

Finally the people at Universal are plotting something evil and in my head, it looks something like this;

This time its worse. You know that film that all the guys and the butch ladies go on about. No no, not The Godfather but Scarface. Yes, bosses over at Hollywood believe that the Italian drug lord baron that made Al Pacion news a fresher audience. There aren't calling it a re-make despite the fact that the original, was you know, a remake and it is interesting to see what take they put on it for the newer audience. Oh did I say interesting? I meant completely horrifying! So to combat this I can only do what I see fit. Hey, say hello to my little friends.



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