
Film News Round Up: 5 - 12 September

Hey gang, well it's a swell day and it would be neat to see what is shaking in the world of movies! Ok, I'll stop talking like I belong in a 50's movie. Or a cheap rip off of a 50's movie and I'll show you exactly what has been getting tongues a wagging this past week that you may have missed. Or you didn't and you just loved my flippant writing skills!

Great Scott!!

Good News  

You know whats just around the corner. You can practically smell it. Turkey, stuffing and chestnuts roasting on a n open fire (and some of you have instantly hated me for getting that song in your head.) Yay! Christmas time is coming and if you are like me, you are passionately and woefully saying your goodbyes to that hard earned cash. Fear not friends because are favourite potheads Harold and Kumar are back with a stonking new 3D film. This week our prayers were answerd as the posters for the obviously-going-to-be-hilarious film are surfing around and they look ace. Now, I won't show them all so here's a couple:

Okay, I have to show you Neil Patrick Harris.

Oh go on then, I'll show you them all. 

Gah, it's like Christmas has come early. Amazing.

Jay Baruchel is my favourite skinny actor. Normally, I like the hunky silent type (Chris Evans,) the girl (Emma Stone) or the geeky chubster (Seth Rogen.) Baruchel brings a charm like quality to his roles which include The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Knocked Up that can be irresistible;


So it is interesting that this funny man is taking the helms of writer for the Italian sports comedy Baseballissimo (such a witty play on words all ready, good show.) The film is about David Bidini's true story as he travelled to the town of Nettuno, Italians Baseball capitol. Whether it is going to be drama or comedy, I do not know but more Baruchel the better. Which includes films such as Goon and Jay and Seth vs The Apocalypse (Seth and Jay together again...please let Emma Stone star..) 

There is a new call for a superhero movie after Ron Howard is no longer working on The Dark Tower. This time it is a superhero with a twist; he only has powers for one day of the year. It's called 364 and it is from the writer of Panic Room and Safe House David Guggenheim. We all know Howard is a pretty busy guy what with trying to marry Lori whilst having pesky ladies man Fonzie around. No, wait, that's Happy Days again.

Did I fall asleep in a Deloren again?

Finally, on the good news, I have decided that a movie version of Les Miserable couldn't be so bad. I'm not even bothered that they have Russell Crowe lined up to play Jalvert (the git who pursues Valjean for years.) I think if done well, it could be extremely well received and may even be highly acclaimed. That being said, Phantom didn't do to greatly did it. Ok, it's a sketchy  good news but it's not terrible! Well, at least we are still waiting to see if Anne Hathaway will get those chops around I Dreamed A Dream and there is a possibility of Helena Boham Carter staring in it. Win!

Bad News

Just as one set of posters for a super amazing movie appears on the scene the inevitable happens: Twilight brings out new ones for Breaking Dawn. To save you the trouble and don't ask me how I know, Breaking Dawn is about the marriage and subsequent baby drama surrounding Bella and Edward. Edward, if you didn't know (ignorance is bliss after all) just happens to be a psycho....I mean stalker....no wait... "vampire" so there are some major complications. Throw in topless werewolves and you've got a recipe for tweens to go mental. And for those who can actually read or write? Lets just throw in the towel and get mindnumbingly drunk (fifth vodka already!) If you haven't guessed it, the new posters are just as gushing and dramatic as you'd expect. With lots of photo shop.

There's a Jacob one as well. You can find it here. Don't bother me for it.

It's official, Eddie Murphy has been confirmed to host the 84th Annual Oscars much to the cries of people with taste all over. Don't get me wrong, I have loved Murphy but that was when I was a child and I was, to put it nicely, stupid. It was back anything with a funny voice, slapstick humor and a fat suit could make me chuckle. But I'm older and I demand sophisticated humor dammit. Now if we go way back and find original Murphy, we may have a a good host.

I need that Deloren again.



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