
Film News Round Up: 12 - 19 September

Waahhheyyy everyone and welcome to the beginning of the week. This is where I go through the best and worst week before, are you keeping up? Anyway, I have been shifting through the mundane to give you the incredibly awesome high five the person next to you news and then the horrendously horrible wail and scream through the street news that trust me, breaks my heart too. I'm there for you buddy.

Good News

You know what is good about the up and coming Muppets movie. Not just the fact that it is an up and coming brand spanking new Muppets movie because that is pretty much the best thing ever (EVER!) If there is one thing Disney is definitely getting right it is the paraody trailers that have been hitting our screens. There was The Hang-Over 2 trailer that was better than the actual movie. There was the Green Lantern movie that was infinite times better than the actual movie and then there is the new one based on the trailer for the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. This new parody is hilarious! I don't have to tell you that this movie is going to be incredible. I'm giggling like a child in my room as we speak. (That isn't so strange but the trailer is awesome.)

In a recent interview with Empire Magazine, Jason Bateman let slip that there could be a possibility for an amazing if not already the best movie ever Arrested Development movie. Athough storylines and directors and actual confirmation can't be, well, confirmed Bateman mentioned that filming could take place as soon as next year and there will be a whole hoard of celebrity cameos. If there's one thing internet film nerds love more than Arrested Development, its funny celebrity cameos. Ace, I think I just wet myself out of excitement, (again not that uncommon.) Check out the full interview here. 

And whats more nerdier than all this combined. What boldly goes into nerdom that no man has ever gone before. That's right, Jim; Star Trek. JJ Abrams has finally (fist grab) been confirmed to direct the sequel the the highly amazing first movie. With Alex Kurtzman and  Roberto Orci (my favourite last name ever,) on the helm of screen writing duties, Abrams is fully confident that the work they have come up with already to sign on after delaying since Super 8 hit our screens. Whatever way, it is going to be highly anticipated and if he manages to whack it out next year it looks like 2012 will be the rise of the nerd.

Bad News

If I were any film making company or director, picking out what material to use wouldn't be difficult. There is a whole abundance of screenplays out there that haven't yet been picked up for time on the silver screen. For instance, my unicorn bromance comedy "Feeling Horny" has persistently been turned down but trust me, its an Oscar worthy piece of work. So how does one make the choice to go from a unique screenplay to a Postman Pat movie? Yes, you heard me. A Postman Pat movie. To coincide with his 30th anniversary in 2013, PP stars voice talents of Rupert Grint and David Tennant and sees lovable mailman Pat enter a talent competition and be tempted by the fame. Oh christ, whats next? A Teletubbies movie? One where there mound is threatened bu human invasion and the Teletubbies are going to be subjected to alien experiments if they don't
fight for it. Actually, I may have something....best get writing.

If movies based around classic children's television doesn't get you banging your head repeatedly against the wall then completely bastardizing classic text will. There are thousands of adaptations about Oliver Twist from the fabulous musical to the equally great dramatic version. It's been and done and its safe to say that Oliver Twist is cinema gold but it's been done. That's why Micheal Roberts has written a brand new version which sounds so terrible that it rivals Twilight and its crappiness. It's called Olivia Twisted and its a 19 year old orphan girl who rounds up street urchins to steal but finds herself in a turf war between a rival gang. Yes, read that sentence again without your nose bleeding out of frustration. And poor Ashley Greene, she has signed up for it already. She did so well in Scott Pilgram, don't go back to the dark side of cinema.

Finally, we come to a subject close to my heart as it dabbles with my favourite film, The Silence Of The Lambs and my favourite villain Hannibal Lecter. A television series based on the relationship between Lecter and FBI agent Will Graham before Red Dragon. Now, it took months of therapy to forget about Hannibal Rising but people seem insistent on giving us more background to the originally enigmatic serial killer. The project is headed by Pushing Daisies producer Bryan Fuller and therefore that is the name that I shake my angry fists of rage at.

Oh they are angry all right.


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