
Film News: Final Destination...5

Just when you thought the final nail in the coffin was at Final Destination 4, the franchise turns around and gives you a fifth, you know the one we didn't ask for.

The first Final Destination was a stand out horror/thriller fare when the enemy was Death itself and when you cant escape it, its bloody terrifying. The movie in fact scared many people off planes and created a fear of visions (what, am I the only one?)

Over the years directors have exhausted the franchise to the point where no disaster is safe. Instead they have become a predictable mesh of horrific death scenes and dont even get me started on Final Destination 4....

Now, Final Destination 5 is to hit out cinemas and do you want to know the plot? Really? Do you need to?
Ok its a suspension bridge disaster that the main characters escape but then find out they cant really cheat death... And it stars all your favourites such as........Nicolas D'Agosto and Emma Bell?




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