
Film News: Star Trek 2

The current amount of sequels that are going to hit our screens this year, it is no surprise that  JJ Abrams is confirmed to direct Star Trek film, the following the 2009 smash hit Star Trek. There had been speculation as to whether the director would take the reigns of the sequel due to producing Super 8 (the brand new alien film that looks totally scary and awesome.)

And although the original plan date was June 2012, the heads to be at Paramount has pushed it back for the release of GI Joe: The Retaliation of which wins the "we didn't ask for the original so why give us a sequel" award (previous winners include The Lost Boys and Ghost Rider.)

While no information on what Star Trek 2 will be about, we do know that all the Trekky favourites have been signed up including Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Simon Pegg. Filming is set to kick off next January and the film is to burst into our cinemas late 2012 or early 2013.

Set to stun, Jim.


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