
Film News: I'm A Shoddily Planned Remake,

Now as you may know already, I am completely against remakes of classic films. It is just proof that Hollywood is running out of ideas (or not looking in the right places for them,) and the only way they can bring the big bucks in is to create a "new" version of a film we all know and love to bring it to a younger audience. The re-make is always awful and strips away anything that we loved about the original. Its a new Hollywood trait that needs to be stopped.

The new classic that Hollywood is planning to ruin is Spartacus! The classic bloody, gory rise of the powerful Spartacus in said film that boasts one of the most iconic scenes of all time. (In case you weren't sure, the incredible moment where Kirk Douglas goes to give himself up and then bam! everyone gets up with him shouting "I'm Spartacus.")

300 co writer Micheal Gordon has pitched the idea to create a fresh take on the film and a closer look at the man's historical background. However, there will be a main focus of his battle against the Roman Army...


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