
Musical Movie Moments

There is no denying that music is a pivotal ingredient to any film. With the slightest key change or an up-roaring crescendo, your emotions can change instantly. Keeping that in mind, in aregular segment, I want to explore the musical moments within a film. I'll try my hardest to keep away from musicals and aim for moments where the main characters aren't bursting into songs. What I wont promise is no Disney songs, I'm sorry but you have to admit, sometimes Disney rules.

For this week, I thought I'd focus on some of my personal favourites (though I do have more) that you wouldn't expect and will progress to more well known moments (so don't protest too much.)

The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice - Closer.

This song is so hauntingly beautiful that you can feel goosebumps and tears swell up at the first note.. A heartbreaking song about lost and broken love it is the most apt song to play throughout Closer. If you haven't seen Closer, I urge you to do; a film that so neatly weaves betrayal and anguish that this shattered vocal fits perfectly. In the final scenes with Alice and Dan, the song builds to the point where you can nearly feel the hurt. Stunning.

My Little Box by Gabriel Mann - Ghost Ship

Yes, yes I will put my hands up and admit it. I love rubbish horror/ghost stories and this one is particularly my favourite. While I believe it to be seriously underrated, many of you will be scoffing (scoffing I say!) at this choice. Ghost Ship is one of those films that I will still watch repeatedly and this songs appears in the revealing secrets of the movie. It is heavy and ripe with creepiness as we watch the tale unravel to a twist that even M. Night Shyamalan would be having wet dreams over. The whisper mutters lyrics eerily similar to the situation on screen and the shift from crawling drums and synths to heavy beats makes it click. 

A little fun fact you probably don't want to know about me; this song is what made me start writing. 

So Close by John McLaughlin - Enchanted.

I've cheated a little bit here. While the whole song is performed by said artist, one of the main characters (Robert) does sing it softly to Giselle. And he does it aptly because if you love someone you sing them songs with lyrics meant just for you! The scene in which this song appears makes you swoon and as you see the dawning realization as Giselle falls so rapidly in love and sadness as moments later it is taken away from her, the timing of the song nearly has you in tears. It's truly enchanting (see what I did there?)

Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper - Romy and Michelles High School Reunion. 

Have you ever watched this film? No? You need it in your life, what I feel to be a far underrated comedy has one of my favourite funny moments in it of all time and it is synchronised perfectly to this song. After a horrendous reunion, the falling out of best friends and an inexplicable dream sequence, this sweet dance between Romy, Michelle and Sandy's threeway on the dance floor is a touching scene that gets as many laughs as it does hearts a-warming.

God Bless The Child by Billie Holiday - Schindler's List. 

A film that is deals with a tragedy as big as the Holocaust is one that must tread carefully with music. While most of the film is classical or music of the era and settings, this song sweeps in so discreetly you wont notice it much but feel it's presence. The is a harrowing essence to Holiday's vocal that chime in this still moment as Schindler watches over the Krakow Ghetto's after one act of violence yet before another. Here, the song crawls down your back as you know, the alluded peacefulness is just for the minute. It is truly outstanding as it is chilling.


If you would like to submit ideas for this article or anything you would like featured email me at cookiesnscreen@hotmail.co.uk :) 

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