
The Best Films About Food.

Food has always been a part of cinema experience. From freshly made popcorn to hot-dogs, cinema and food have gone hand in hand; those floors aren't sticky all by themselves (and no, not that reason either). But what about movies about food? Can our love for the fine dining or the chunky takeaway really translate well to the silver screen. In honor of the best dieting site around, Hungry Healthy Happy, I'm going to journey into some of my favourite films about food and yes, there will be puns. Many many puns.

Simply Irresistible. 

We all have food that makes us happy be it the sugar high or the comfort food(Ben & Jerry's permanently stocked in my freezer,) but what if food could really make you laugh, cry or even levitate? Amanda Shelton (Sarah Michelle Geller) finds this out first hand as she inherits her mothers restaurant and although she is not that great with the cooking skills, with the little help of a magical crab (no, seriously,) her dishes become a hit with the town and love interest Tom. Sure enough people are clambering to get a slice of Amanda's food. Can she rise to the occasion? 

It's a brilliant, if a bit too far fetched and some of the acting is shockingly forced, film that indulges your fantasies with magical delicious food, (you'll just love one of those eclairs. Yummers!) 

Julie & Julia 

Based on true stories, Julie & Julia follows the life of Julie Powell (Amy Adams) who aims to complete the famous recipes of Julia Child (Meryl Streep); an American cook who attempted to bring French cuisine to popularity. Powell, in a well known blog aimed to complete 514 meals in just 365 days, monitoring her progress and disasters as the days go by.

Based on two popular books, My Life In France by Child and a memoir of Powell. The film has some strong performances of two fantastic leading ladies who stir up enough interest to make a seemingly boring prospect incredible. 


Its Johnny Depp and chocolate, what more do you want? 


You want to know about the film.... 

But look at the poster... 

Very well. 

The film is set in the fictional French villiage Lansquennet- sous- Tannes. A young mother, in the form of Juliette Binoche, arrives with her six year old daughter. Causing trouble already by opening a chocolaterie during Lent (THE OUTRAGE!) her food soon begins to change the lives of the villagers with sex lifes improving, secret loves blooming and soon Vianne (Bionche) meets the sexual interest of Roux, (Johnny Depp. Squee)

Delving into the dark love of temptation and throwing in a couple of sexy young things, the film delights with wittiness and heartwarming family feel. 

Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory. 

Even with the shockingly bad remake (who knew that a different film with Johnny Depp and Chocolate could be so wrong.,) Wonka's super brilliant and imaginative chocolate factory is a delightful film for childs and food addicts. Imagine an ice cream that never melts, or a gobstopper that never stops. In Wonka's world, this isn't just a dream its a reality and soon Wonka invites 5 lucky children to view the secrets of his work. Despite this fortune, many of the children wind up in unfortunate circumstances. 

With brilliant songs from the tiny Oompa Loompa's and a fabulous factory design that is incredible at capturing the imagination. There is one of the most terrifying moment in children's movies as the boat takes a scary trip but other than that this film is a masterpiece. 


I have always been a bit skeptical about this film. For a start its main character is a rat. Ok, maybe its a Disney rat with gooey eyes and completely clean fur, but it is still a rat. A rat who due to his heightened sense of smell, can cook food to damn near perfection. Teaming up with hapless garbage boy Linguini and following the advice of his idol Gasteux, the rat (Remy) soon is a famed cook in the heart of France.

 With this in mind, the film is surprisingly heart warming and has extremely great visuals (it's Pixar dammit!) What is brilliant is how they computerize the food and you can practically taste it on your tongue. This sequence is particularly great. I don't particularly enjoy the moment critics are damned....

Super Size Me 

If you love McDonald's perhaps you should watch this film and if you hate McDonald's, you should definitely watch this film. A famed documentary, Morgan Spurlock undergoes an experiment to dine three times a day at a McDonalds restaurant to see if there are any negative effects. Along the way, Spurlock examines the way fast food chains advertise, lawsuits against the company, McDonald's addicts and how the food is made.

It is not for the faint-hearted but it is certainly an eye opener and don't worry it isn't just a documentary; its insight and those a better job than Moore could ever ask for. There is all sorts of fun animated facts and information to keep you entertained if you find the premise slightly dull. Yet you shouldn't, you'll find out more facts about an industry that is controlling our world and life. It may be predictable but the results are terrifying and is certainly one of the best movies about food there is.



If you love food but want to be healthy, head over to Hungry Healthy Happy. Dannii Martin writes useful tips on weight-loss whilst also documenting her own journey. And don't worry, there is none of that patronizing business as the website is enjoyable as well as helpful. Check it out now :) 

1 comment:

  1. don't forget "like the water for the chocolate" you pic a great food movie selection. thumbs up...like always
