
Film News: US Box Office Re-Count!

This weekend saw a head to head race to top spot and yesterday saw "Cowboys & Aliens" tie with "Smurfs." Well the results have been recounted and we have a winner. Drum roll, please. Whilst soul destroying kids movie Smurfs (see here) gained $35.6 million, the genre mix up "Cowboys & Aliens" beat them by just a fraction earning $36.4 million.

Despite being beaten, Sony has still managed to over earn their estimated $20 million with "Smurfs" whilst "Cowboys & Aliens" missed their projections of $40 - $45 million for Universal.

UK will wait to see how they battle against each other. (I'm kind of hoping we British Folk will see the ridiculouslness of a computer generated Smurf but I have been proven wrong before.) Also, here's a fun trick, watch this trailer for Jon Favreaus, "Cowboys & Aliens" and spot the similarities between Favreau's hit Iron Man.

Do you see what I mean?



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