
Film News Round Up: 10 - 12 the August

The latest news update comes in a brand new format for all your lovely readers where I'll be picking some of the greatest, the best and recent trailer news to hit out internet in one easy to bite blog. Now, you didn't expect us to be doing that today did you.

Good News 

The best trailer to hit our screens came about in the recent days, A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas trailer came despite still being in summer. Not that it is a bad that. The story this time for the unlucky lads is that they need to replace Harold's very expensive tree which they burnt down and oh, yes they also shot Santa in the face. The best news? Neil Patrick Harris is back with a musical number (hell yes.) Check out the trailer.

It depends on how you look at this one but because I can't stand remakes, Justin Lin has pulled out of Summit's Highlander remake leaving the production without a captain to guide the ship (into oncoming icebergs). Although the previous film wasn't a masterpiece, producers feel the need to give it one of those fabled re-boots with writer Art Maccum and Matt Holloway (the writers of Iron Man.) Prove that while man may not be immortal, stupidity is.

Although Dark Tower has pretty much panned before anything can get going, we are still begging for Stephen King movies (because, well, he is ace.) Jonathan Demme has decided to take Kings book 11/22/63 which centres around a 35 year old teacher going back and trying to prevent President Kennedy's assassination. It's not actually out as a book yet but plans are underway to see it happen. And if you aren't sure about Demme's work he did the popular The Manchurian Candidate and a little film you may not have heard of (and sadly, I know for some of you thats not sarcasm but totally true) The Silence of the Lambs.

Bad News

Not content with completely ruining The Smurfs, The Chipmunks and Yogi Bear, Hollywood has delved into our deepest fear and pulled out of the box, planning to bastardize it on the big screen. There are talks of a Hong Kong Phooey Film (NOooooooooo) underway. And it will be a mixture of Live Action/Animation just like the previous films. News also hits us about the voice of our hero; Eddie Murphy. Am I too late to pull out of running a film blog because banging my head on the wall is causing me concussion?

In other news Bruce Willis has been hired to play the original GI: Joe in the latest outing GI Joe 2: Retribution. Whilst also planning to feature an The Expendables 2 and talks are under way for a new Die Hard. So good Ol' Bruce will be plenty a busy with his mindless action film business which means the goons that will eat this kind of thing up will be very very happy.


Two new trailers hit our screens this week and the first one is Abduction staring Ladies Man Taylor Lautner (the pecs in Twilight.) The film is about Nathan  Price who learns his whole live is a lie orchestrated by the CIA and he is a vital asset to the shady working.

The other trailer to hit our screens is Drive staring Ryan Gosling (The Notebook, le sigh.) He plays a stunt drive who moonlights as a getaway driver for the criminal underworld when he finds himself the target of some very powerful men.

Thats it for today but I'll keep you posted on more news coming your way.


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