
TV News: Celebrity Big Brother.

Since Channel 4 had axed Big Brother, Channel 5 (or as I like to call it, "That Channel with CSI and all the programs the others didn't want) has picked it up for a new series and is set to relaunch later this month with Celebrity Big Brother . It is safe to say that not many were excited and I certainly didn't have any plans to watch yet another inane series.


Well I until I heard who has signed on for £6 million to feature on the series.

I'll give you a clue. He previously earned £1.2million for each episode of a (in)famous sitcom before he was fired for his cocaine and porn star binges. He is a warlock, a bitchin rock-star from mars and drinks tiger blood. Yes yes yes, the guy that TV bosses pulled out all the stops for to make unmissable telly with.

Charlie Sheen.

I've got my popcorn ready.


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