
Film News Round Up: 17 - 20 August

Since my last installment, I hate to say it but there hasn't been anything on the good news front. Unfortunately, in the past couple of days it has been a hotbed for all things wrong. Namely sequels, Nicolas Cage, re-makes and trailers of said movies. Either that or the news has not been worth mentioning. So here is this installment of the latest news, the bad egg episode.

Bad News.

Bad news, I suppose, is how you look at it. For me the following news that the Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vegence. trailer has hit the internet makes me want to tear my eyes out. But for others such as Nicolas Cage fans or big fans of the first film (trust me, they exist!) there will be a lot of excited giddy squeals as they check out the trailer. Its not much and it is so cheesy it is giving Captain America a run for its money. But I suppose it does its job (of frustrating me)

Talking about sequels (and in this blog, there is going to a be a lot) the new trailer for Underworld: Awakening . I so wanted to put this in a good news segment, on its own, with 270932750702 words purely for Kate Beckinsale back in leather again but I'm sticking to my guns. The Underworld franchise has been incidentally played out to death (not quite sure if that's a pun) and although two heads are better than none with directors Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein (say them really quickly,) there is little if not no room to go with this that doesn't scream sense. I have to say though, the trailer looks ok 

Can you remember Johnny English? The clumsily stupid spy (although played terrifically by Rowan Atkinson)  who is forced into such high level japes? The film that inexplicably starred Natalia Imbruligia ? Yes, that one. It's getting a sequel 8 years down the line and we get to see the new trailer for it. Now, don't get me wrong some people will be screaming "But this is good news Cookie! Surely you love to silliness and the brilliance of Atkinson combined! More Johnny English, I say. MORE!" Well, yes there is a part of me that is excited but no, no I cant condone this. When will the film industry learn to leave things how they were?

Never, as news comes in thick and fast that Ridley Scott is to produce, sob sob, a new Blade Runner movie. Yes, Blade Runner. That brilliant cult classic staring Harrison Ford is to be getting a sequel, or a prequel or a re-make. And frankly, none of those words sound inviting. Although there is nothing we can go on; there's no story or writer in fact. And no news whether Ford will return. Or whether everyone in Hollywood is suffering from a degenerate disease that decides to churn out sequels or remakes like there no tomorrow.

Because frankly, I don't want to see another Rambo film anytime soon but alas, a new screenplay has been created for a fifth film. All Stallone has repeatedly said that "John Rambo is 99% done," Conan the Barbarian writer Sean Hood (aka, evil in in disguise)  has already penned a new script and submitted it. Ok, so I may be jumping the gun here as Rambo 5 hasn't had any green-light and is just a wad of paper in the chaos of a Hollywood executive table. But this is Hollywood and unfortunately wishes don't come true. Heck, there is a Ghost Rider 2............



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