
Film News: Die Hard 5

What is this I hear in the rumor mill? The sound of someone flogging a franchise to death? Why yes, yes it is. Unfortunately (or fortunately, it really depends on how you look at it,) there are plans in the works for a Die Hard 5 despite Bruce Willis haven't yet to sign on to another venture out for John McClane.

Though recently it had been said that Noam Murro was recruited to bring a fresh new vision on the action epacked series, Murro has decided to up ships to the 300 spin off; Battle Of Artemisia. So who instead could feed to the mindless new installement? Well, producers have offered it to John Moore, creator of other such unnecessary films such as The Omen. Moore has been told that the gig is for his to take or turn down

Twitch Film has informed us that the grumpy McClane will be travelling to Russia to help local forces with the aide of his son and I'm pretty sure there will be many explosion, punches in the face and witty one liners.

Yippey- Kay- Yay



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