
Film News Round Up: 12 - 14 August

So another weekend has passed and we have been hit with the latest news, good and bad to come our way. What fresh new heaven/hell could the Film genius' be throwing our way this week? Our we to be pumping our fists into the air or cowering in a corner screaming "Why, god, why?"

Good News

Wow, Steven Spielberg has been working extremely hard this week and at Empire's Big Screen this weekend he unveiled not one but two of his magnificent feature films. Firstly, Spielberg and Peter Jackson have been talking about their computer animated movie of hit TV series Tintin. Stating that he created a perfect Captain Haddock, at Empires event Spielberg riffed about not only "completely forgetting Snowy (a statement proceeded by many "hows?") but using Weta digital (yay!) and Andy Serkis (double yay!) created a totally sloshed but utterly brilliant Haddock (despite Jackson's claims of "only seeing himself able to play the role.) Although, I don't like the idea of movies totally taking my childhood and shredding it on the Silver Screen, I think Tintin may the exception that proves the rule with voice talents such as Jamie Bell (Tintin,) Simon Pegg (Inspector Thompson) and Nick Frost (Thomson.)

Spielberg also unveiled a fresh look on his grand film War Horse. If you aren't sure about the premise it is a film based on the highly successful Theatre show based on the highly successful book (all of which are the same name.) The film focuses on horse young Albert Narracott's "Joey" who is sold to the British Armed Forces during the outbreak of World War 1. Joey is taken on an odyssey of death and violence but Albert can't forget Joey and soon embarks on a dangerous mission to find him. With the best of British up-coming performers and wonderful scenes of British Countryside, War Horse looks to be dramatic and heart breaking (I can feel tears in my eyes already dammit!.)

Bad News

Looks like another bunch of sequels have had the stamp of approval even if the rest of the world is vastly vastly apposed. For example, Mike Myers (that lovable, if extremely annoying now, scamp,) has signed deals to bring a fourth Austin Powers movie to our screens. If you don't remember the series (and by god, how lucky you are,) the story is based on 60's ladies man spy who is shipped throughout time to stop dastardly Dr Evil from conquering the world. Although the first one was fresh and a funny spoof of early James Bond movies, they soon descended into unfunny toilet humor tripe of movies so a 4th installment is no doubt going to be dire. 

Speaking of dire, Tom Six talks about torture porn The Human Centipede 3. Now while a lot of you will remember the first one after getting drunk and showing all your friends who then proceeded to vomit everywhere, you probably don't remember 2. That's because the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) banned it due to its horrific violence (the last film they banned was Serbias Grotesque.) Now Six is talking about a third film and stating that "It will make the last one look like a Disney Movie." Great! I kind of don't want to show you clips or pictures of said film franchise (though the South Park spoof was epic!) so here's something to cleanse your soul. 


Clips & Trailers 

There is new clips of spooky horror movie Don't Be Afraid of the dark. Staring Katie Holmes and Guy Pearce the film focus on the story of a young girl who is sent to live with his father only for his father's new girlfriend to discover that creatures in the house want to claim the girl for their own. Check out the trailer and clip!


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