
Film News: Superman!

Oo-er, DC are really trying to compete with Marvel with the angst-filled superhero gritty reboot, aren't they? Check out the brand new photo of Henry Cavill as Superman in his latest outing, Man Of Steel! Notice how the colours are less American Hero and more American Apparel.

But still he is wicked strong and can kick metal's ass (as seen above.)

With Amy Adam's as Lois Lane and Kevin Costner, Julia Ormand, Russell Crowe and Diane Lane as the assorted Super-Man's family (Krypto's and normals,) The film looks like it is edging ever so close to the hype machine Batman and Spider-Man are gaining.

But you'll have to wait  as Christopher Nolan and David S.Goyer wont have this film til June 2013.

I'm sure you can. I'll keep you posted with more of the story :)


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