
Film News: Twixt

Calling all fans of indie films and calling all fans of horror films, there is now a film that combines both your love. Apocalypse Now director Francis Ford Coppla has released a trailer for his brand new film Twixt. First released over the recent Comic Con and now heading its way down to Toronto film fest, the quirky blood fest is set to bring a fresh view on an otherwise set in stone genre (that is horror.)

If you haven't already guessed from the trailer, Val Kilmer stars as a down and out author Hal Baltimore who is taking his book tour around the sleepy towns of America. When he arrives at one town though, he finds more than he bargained for as the towns secrets pour out into the open. 

While it looks as though there will be quite a few twists and scares, this definitely holds a lot of indie genre moments, a quirky style of shooting and slightly awkward acting. And don't worry, if you want to catch Ford Coppla, he is planning on touring this film around with remixed scenes. 

Maybe there is one where Kilmer is back to his Batman days and sans ponytail. *sigh*



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