
Best TV Theme Songs: Sitcoms (And A Sketch Show)

So we have already explored the top theme songs of our childhood here and here but as we grow older are tastes become more refined. We still don't want to grow up from slapstick humor but a few harmless witty jokes about sex and drinking and we have entered the realm of TV Show Sitcoms/Sketch Shows. But which one had the funniest or catchiest theme song. Aww here we go;


Frasier is a spin off of Cheers with radio psychiatrist Frasier crane taking the helm in this well refined show. But of course, Frasier and his brother Miles are still odd ball goofs committing the same cardinal sins that we all do as they struggle awkward in the real world of women. With a pretty down to earth father, wacky maid and weird dog, Frasier show has enough hilarious moments to watch every morning. The theme song is just as classy and is sung by none other than Kelsey Grammer himself as the skyline of Seattle is drawn out for us. It's pretty finger snappy.


The predecessor to Fraiser and everyones favourite bar, Cheers was situated in the heart of New York as a hapless band of drinkers and bartenders tackle life by down a few beers. With stars such as Kirstie Alley and Pixar favourite John Ratzenburger, you always new where to turn to and this theme song gives you chills. It's a s though you are getting that bear hug, the comforting arm around the sholder as you drown your sorrows in the 50th beer. Do me a favour though, truly listen to the lyrics of this whole theme song and laugh at the situations that the singer proclaims. I swear your in for a surprise.

Malcolm In The Middle 

I would like to point out that many watch Malcolm in the Middle as a children's show and then I would like to point out that you are wrong. Whilst the hijinks the four brothers get into is wildly slapstick, Malcolm In The Middle protests dark humour of working class suburban life with the cynical mother Louis and the hilarious dad, Hal (the brilliant Bryan Craston.)The theme song is by rocking punk band They May Be Giants (who also sing the Choo Choo Express in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, go figure,) and sums up perfect angst of Malcolm, a genius boy who still wants to pull pranks. Fun fact; Frankie Muntz has never exceeded the height of Malcolm in the show (citation needed)

Men Behaving Badly 

Everything we loved about the British 90's all wrapped up into a funky show, Men Behaving Badly focused on Gary Strong and his idiot of a housemate Neil as two men trying to navigate their lifes (and penis') through a trouble road. Throw in a couple of women (Pauline Quintin and Lesley Ash before the trout pout) and you have a sure fire UK sitcom that was full of putrid humor and hilarious scenarios. The theme song is a jazz rock romp that is hummed and sung by the men of today as they remember television of yesteryear.

The Young Ones 

What would exactly happen if you threw a hippie, a yuppie, a punk and an anarchist into the same house? Well, you'd get the young ones; a chaotic vile slapstick sitcom that you have to watch before you eat your tea. Set in 80's Britain and staring Rick Mayall and Nigel Planner, The Young Ones has an energy and comedy only kept to the rooms of your younger brother and his mates. It's disgusting but utterly hilarious. The Young Ones must evidently take the classic Cliff Richard song and turn it into a cockney embroiled song and it is beyond weird.

Monty Python's Flying Circus

Not exactly a sitcom but a sketch show and perhaps the only one in this list. Monty Python is responsible for the whole world of geeks and nerds shouting "Ni" at you or remarking about their dead parrot. It is also responsible for shows like The Simpsons. It was groundbreaking comedy from now famous actors/writers that summed up idiocy in an extremely clever way. Whilst on the outside it seems all rather silly (so stop it now,) the show had genius moments, crude cartoons and spun out into four feature films. If you don't know the theme song, you have been depraved. Just listen.

Only Fools & Horses. 

I cant name you one person I know who didn't grow up watching this show. And if I can, well, I don't really know them that well and wouldn't call them a friend; more like a depraved acquaintance. Perhaps the best loved British sitcom ever, Only Fools & Horses is the tale of working class brothers Del and Rodney Trotter as they try to become millionaires. With hap handed schemes and rotten deals, the Trotters has become a trademark for hilarity. I mean, who thinks of Batman and doesn't immediately think of Del Trotter running in the streets of Peckham. The theme song is just that down and out luck with a hint of making no sense but it doesn't matter, the la's do though.


If you are seriously ill and need medical assistance than I would stay clear of Sacred Heart. JD is a young doctor making his way up the ranks of the Hospital. Unfortunately for his patience, he is lost in his own world narrator from a weird point of view. Along the way he has love with Elliot, bromance with Turk and an unrequited admiration for mean but caring Dr Cox. Of course Scrubs isn't without the sentiment and just at the moment when you are squirting milk from your nose ("but I didn't even have milk today) Scrubs hit you with a tear jerking tender moment. The theme song sums up all how we feel in life and especially doctors that while they could save your life, are still human after all.


One of the most famous theme songs and sitcoms of all time. You, like me and thousands across the globe, still marvel and laugh along to re-runs of this genius sitcom. Friends, just in case you didn't know (hahahahaha) is about the ups and down of, Ross, Rachel, Joey, Phoebe, Monica and Chandler and the hilarious situation they get up to on the streets of New York. Running ten seasons and ending just over a decade ago, everyone still loves this show. The theme is sung by The Remembrandts and is known across the globe as the Friends salute. It pretty much sums up everyones life as well. Altogether "clapclapclapclapclapclap."

Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.

Do I even have to explain why this is here? Do I even have to explain the show? Nay, do I even have to show you the theme song? I bet you are already singing it in your head already. Fresh Prince brought Will Smith to our screens and the theme brought him to our ears. Fresh Prince is about Will as he is sent from the mean streets of Philadelphia to live with his rich Aunt and Uncle in LA. Hilarity ensues as it is a battle of classes takes place. The theme is played around clubs everywhere and you can't turn around to anyone and say "this is a story all about how" and not break into the rap.

Smell Ya Later.



Box Office News

It's the battle of the beautiful babes in. US Box Office news; The Help is running on strong this week as it fends off competition from the likes of action thriller Colombiana staring Zoe Saldana  (otherwise known as Neytiri in Avatar) and Katie Holmes spooky horror Don't Be Afraid of The Dark. The Help staring the wonderful Emma Stone has grossed an impressive $96.6 million and collected in $14.3 million.

And by no surprise, The Inbetweener's clings onto the top spot making more and more in The UK box office breaking all the records and fending of competition such as One Day and (shudder) Conan The Barbarian. I'm sure there is a Jay infused quip that I can blow off here;

"ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, cinema fwiends"

Or well, something like that.



I Think You Should See: Eagle Vs Shark

Before I begin in showering as much praise as I can to this film, I want to dedicate this post to the person who introduced it to me in the first place; Charis Anderson. Without her, on a cold penniless internet-less night, handing me her copy and insisting that I will "love it" and its "my kind of thing" I wouldn't ever of known the utter brilliance that is this; Eagle Vs Shark. And she was right and Eagle Vs Shark now ranks as the only movie that I have ever played twice in a row.  Charis, my dear, you are a wonderful woman (and for many many more reasons that this.)

New Zealand isn't well known for breaking box office in any other country. In fact, name one film for me that came from New Zealand film industry. No, The Flight Of The Concords was not a film. Brilliant, yes, but not a film. While we may have wondered at is scenery in Lord Of The Rings, we have never seen the heart and soul of the brilliant country. Well, my friends let me introduce to Eagle Vs Shark. It's not what you think; a the love child of Sharktopus and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus but it is in fact, the most genius romantic comedy to hit the face of the earth. And yes, that is Jermaine from The Flight Of The Concords. 

Eagle Vs Shark tells the tale of awkward and shy Lily; an unassuming fast food employee who is madly in love with regular Jarrod. Unfortunately, Jarrod is everything you'd dislike in a person; a geeky self obsessed man who thinks he is better than he actually is. After Jarrod tells Lily to pass an invite for a "come dressed as your favourite animal" party (and yes that is the name of the party)  to her more attractive college Jenny (who turns it down flat,) Lily comes along dressed as a shark. Much impressed by this but still 100% douche, Jarrod and Lily begin a relationship which takes Lily to Jarrod's hometown, his bizarre loud family and a quest for Jarrod to beat his old high school bully. With a mixture of clay-mation metaphors, a kooky older brother and many hilarious scenes; Eagle Vs Shark looks pass looks and into the soul of a person. 

Eagle Vs Shark is the answer to all our prayers. While Hollywood churns out beautiful people falling in love beautifully and unrealistically, New Zealand answer with a story about genuine characters that are chocked full of quirks and realism. In fact, the film was based on actress Loren Horsley original character Lily and it works as her first outing on the big screen. Lily is an unsung hero that we all need; she is kind and generous if not a bit dim and shy, very rarely getting angry. On paper, her love for Jarrod shouldn't work but it does in heaps of laughter filled moments and quite clear awkwardness that we can relate to. (For example, the sex scene at the beginning takes longer to pop on a condom than it does to actually do the deed.) And Jermaine Clement is brilliant as the involved but tragic Jarrod who makes you really hate him one minute and then feel completely sorry for the next. With fantastic acting and sharp writing by director Taika Waititi, Eagle Vs Shark is a kooky  romance that warms the coldest parts of your soul. 

There is too a mix of supporting characters that flesh out the romance in very different ways. From Jarrod's withdrawn disappoint father to Lily's loving brother, there is never a person who doesn't belong in this natural tale. A particular highlight would be Jarrod's sister, Nancy and her husband Doug as they try relentlessly to pawn off their "home" products all the way from garish tracksuits to questionable make up kits.

Now, some may argue that it wavers to closely to other movies such as Napoleon Dynamite and that there are similarities between Jarrod and Jon Heders Napoleon that fans of the latter wont miss. Don't get me wrong, I can see where they are coming from but at the same time, Eagle Vs Shark is fresh and unique. Eagle Vs Shark boasts many layers that are subtly weaved between the comedy and has a pulse beating throughout it that is so strong, you can feel the rhythm.

Eagle Vs Shark may break my rule; that no film is without faults. Though there are some that may find the humor at a stretch boring because it is its own particular brand, Eagle Vs Shark is damn near a perfect love story. It is one that you see on the streets everyday and is not left to any stretch of the imagination to fathom out. With that said though, it is just as quotable as film such as The Inbetweener's ("She's a lesbian, she went to a lesbian party,") and has a fantastic twist at the end that you wont see coming. Eagle Vs Shark has bite and soars just as high as the greats. 




Film News Round Up. 25 - 29 August

Rawr! Another few days have past and over the weekend a series of brilliant (and brain numbing) news has hit our ears and I will pass it on to you lovely people so you can delight in its wonder. Or hit your head upon the wall. Eep, sorry.

Good News 

The mind of Hunter S Thompson, for those who haven't seen Fear and Loathing, is one that is full of drugs, corruption and utter madness. But it is brilliance. Unadulterated brilliance. Which is why the new adaptation of his work The Rum Diary has caused ripples of delight to shudder through the film works and the trailer is just the right dose. Staring Johnny "but of course who else," Depp as Paul Kemp, a journalist with the taste for booze who is sent to Puerto Rico on assignment. It is full of hilarious meetings, sexy woman and weirdness. Check out the trailer and set your answers to "win."

There is always exceptions that break the rule. Always. For example, for every sequel I condemn to the different layers of hell (depending on sheer intensity of it; Final Destination 5 is a mild level 3 whereas Jason X is suffering in level 10. Appropriately,) there is a genius Toy Story 3. So that's why I am breaking all my rules in lamenting a sequel that is pushing through its barriers; Ghostbuster's 3. Yes, the tenacious Dan Aykroyd announced on Dennis Miller's Radio Show that there is a script and plans to get the spooky filled fest on the road despite no word from brilliant Bill Murray who would be a key member in this reunion. The whole idea of the sequel is to pass the flame to a younger generation and whilst no actors have been cast Aykroyd has his eye on Criminal Minds, Matthew Gray Gubler (the brilliant Dr Reid.) But honestly Aykroyd, to get things moving, who ya gonna call? (altogether now.)

Bad News

And just like that I am burst our of my sequel heaven and slap band into reality.Ghost House Pictures have announced that there could be a possibility of a new The Grudge movie after, you know, the others have been so wildly popular and full of rewards (AN: Hahahahaha.) Similar to the ghoul, the franchise refuses to die and although it isn't exactly set in stone, just the idea that another one may be made is sending me all into a shiver. I may not sleep tonight, every time I close my eyes there will be flashes of The Ring 3675 and Yet Another A Nightmare On Elm Street But This Time It's Got The Killer From Friday The 13th Franchise, Yeah That Shit Is Gold.

Oh god, I've just remembered its real.

With all this nonsense I suppose Hollywood should have some brilliant ideas coming there way. What's that? Another plan for a remake? We're all doomed. The fantastic 90's film Flatliners staring Julia Roberts and Keifer Sutherland is being penned by Source Code writer Ben Ripley. The film was highly conceptual and boasted a unique storyline; medical students bring themselves from the brink of death only to be haunted by past sins. Its genius and therefore Hollywood feels to need to resuscitate it unnecessarily.

Curse you Hollywood.!



Films To Go See This Week.

This week we have a look at the offerings in UK cinema land that may tantalize your movie taste buds. From the downright unfortunately sequel to the biggest blockbuster or eerie thriller, we'll see what you should shower your date with or flat out avoid.

Conan The Barbarian. 

An unasked for remake of the Arnold Schwartzanigger outing of the same name, Conan The Barbarian tells the tale of Conan the Cimmerian warrior whose personal quest because a vendetta against the evil that slaughter his father and murdered his village. Along his journey he battles ferocious creatures, great big bloody rivals and impossible odds as Conan realises he is the only hope to save the city of Hyboria from an ever
rising evil.

Possibly great for CGI and amazing battles, this is one that wont take a lot of brain power but there are plenty of buff men to please any girls who want to take. (AN: Please don't take a girl on the date to this film. You will be left feeling like a weakling and she'll think she can do better.)

One Day 

This is more like the film you want to take a girl to but you really won't enjoy. One Day is a romantic film based on a novel of the same name. It tells the course of a relationship between two best friends over several years that take place on the same day, July 15th. We watch as Emma and Dexter become different and how they dynamics of their relationship changes as they battle with mourning, love, lust and yearning.

You can check out the full review here as you might want to read up on it before you go watch. And bring coffee, lots of coffee.

The Skin I Live In. 

A Spanish film staring Antonio Banderas as a plastic surgeon who is struggling with his life and after many past tragedy has become unstable and unhinged. When he find a synthetic skin that can withhold any damage he selects a guinea pig, an extremely volatile woman to practice on. The problem is is that he has kept her lock away in secret in her home so he can perform any surgery he likes on her.

This film is a twisting thriller but extremely graphic and scenes of violence and sexual violence that you may be uncomfortable with. Trying watching Puss in Boots after you have seen this.

Other films out this week include the terrible repetitive "oh my god, Death is after us" franchise Final Destintation 5 and violent R: Hit First, Hit Hardest.

Dear god.



Review: One Day

I'll start of by addressing two key facts about this movie. First of all, I haven't read the book despite knowing many who have so I have gone into this with fresh eyes and am viewing it as a film (which is good, because it is, well, a film.) Secondly, there has been a lot of talk and criticism about Anne Hathaway's "Leeds" accent. Granted, it wavers from thickly Yorkshire to quaintly posh but bless the girl for having a good old hearty stab at it and you have to give her kudos for trying (although it is crap.) But fair play to the girl because it doesn't waver from a truly touching romantic movie.

One Day is based on 2010 best seller of the same name by David Nicolls (he also wrote the screenplay for the film.) It centres around one day, July 15th, over several years and the developing relationship between the two best friends, Emma and Dexter. Despite spending the night together on their first meeting (their graduation day,) they don't become romantically involved but instead stay in touch as friends. As their lives go in different directions, through many ups and downs, they still keep that bond full of banter, love, flirting and yearning.

The premise for the book and a film is a new one and keeping a very strict law on the whole One Day aspect gives a fresh outlook on the warn out genre of romance. We get to watch a very realistic growth of a relationship and that is much to the writers credit; there isn't an aspect of this movie that feels over the top. But a lot of that realism is centred on the wonderful acting of Hathaway (Emma) and Jim Sturgess (Dexter.) There is not only a wonderful chemistry between the two as they play off friendly insults with brilliant wit and unrequited love but they add a convincing charm to both their characters that you are pulled deeply into their bond. From the tears to the laughter, it is genuine to believe the friendship between the two completely different people. The particular highlights would be Emma's secret tender joy as Dexter becomes physically closer on occasions and Dexter's drunken states which aren't played extremely but layered with the pain and subtlety. Hathaway and Sturgess are two very remarkable actors.

But that is where the film stops being brilliant. The aspect of one day works for a couple of moments but then the concept runs out of steam becoming boring, repetitive and tiresome. Also, a lot happens in a year and sometimes more, so we lose some depth of the characters as they become different people yearly. And there are many contrived conversations that try to explain what has happened in the 365 days we don't see. Though they may work in the book with the ability to write the back-story, the random moments that we are enlightened to seem forced. Furthermore, there are many relationships that haven't enough detail for us to care about but the film begs us to. For example, so much weight is balanced on Dexter and his parents. Although his father's is played delicately with quick moments, his mothers (and the most important) feels brushed under the table. Whats more is that with any romance movie there is the predictability and it is fair to say we know the ending (sort of) from the beginning. One Day, however, has a rushed feel about it as though the prior years don't matter to the inevitable ending for the two characters and for those uneducated about the film, it will lose you.

While this may be a faithful adaptation of the book, it is fair to say without that prior knowledge the film has moments of tedium and confusion. Director Lone Scherfig does well and yet misses the mark completely. There isn't enough to boost this film from a good standard to a great one but there was a lot of potential. Fans will be content and happy because the heart of the film is still there. Maybe that is what is important here and if heart isn't enough, go see it for two of the most stellar performances of this year.



Film News Round Up: 20 - 24 August

Apologises for the delay on this edition of film news round up as I have had a hectic hectic schedule and a bout of illness so I am pretty sure most of the news I will be giving you today, you would have already heard about (aka Disney news) but nonetheless I strive on giving you the great news and the great big filthy face palm of a news. Enjoy!

Good News:

Last weekend saw Disney's Expo D23 announce some of the biggest news in its midst including new movies from everyones favourite studio Pixar. Whilst the newest movies Brave and Monsters University (The prequel to Monster's Inc) are coming up soon, studio veteran Bob Peterson and producer John Walker told about two plans for a movie about dinosaurs which sees a world where dinosaurs weren't destroyed and a movie about the inside of brains. They both sound like interesting hits and if Pixar's track record is to be looked at (we'll ignore Cars and Cars 2,) they will be hilariously witty and visually stunning movies. Check out the Brave trailer;

Also at D23 we saw a bunch of superheroes gather for interviews and after snubbing Comic Con's, The Avengers burst into the exhibition with new footage. As most of the stars from Robert Downey Jr to Scarlet Johansson (though Ruffalo and Evans were still filming.) were there along with director Joss Whedon to answer some questions, crack a few jocks and show the some epic footage of much discussion. Whilst we don't have hands of that footage yet as it hasn't hit online, we do get a sneak peak of the production, the heroes on stage and a pretty awesome fight.

Elsewhere, The Lady trailer hits are screens for the first time and we sure are excited to see it. The Lady, for those who have no idea about modern history or don't watch the news, tells the tale of Aung San Suu Kyi and her incredible impressive life. Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,) plays Kyi who in 1988 leaves Oxford University to attend to her sick mother only to find Burma, her country, is embroiled in a struggle with the military regime. Soon, Kyi's family become the leaders of the fight against the oppression. The movie is set to be brilliant and inspiring. Check out the trailer and feel does goosebumps.

Bad News

Sure enough, Hollywood sees a great movie, one that stands above the rest, and then mercilessly plans to suffocate it with sequels and spin offs. In this instant, I'm taking about The Last Exorcism. The mother had made £62 million world wide and in many eyes, was awarded Best Horror of its year beating off Let Me In and other contenders. The story is about preacher Cotton Morris and his attempts to prove Exorcism is fake but after inviting a camera crew along for the ride, he finds more than he bargained for. Now news that a sequel is underway, we are sure it's going to be more violent but less interesting and no substance in it at all... Herumph...

And talking about movies that have been exhausted, new motion posters for Puss In Boots comes spinning around although we didn't ask for them, nay we protested them since Shrek 3 and 4 were so terribly conceived. With a charismatic lead and boasting some impressive voice talents such as Salma Hayek, Zack Galifianakis and Billy Bob Thorton, the story is a background tale of Puss before he met the ogre. So its a poisonous mix of a prequel and a spin off of a dying franchise. I'm not going to say anymore.

We get it, life after the Batman is always going to bed hard. Adam West is stuck as a crazed mayor of a fictional town, Micheal Keaton has played bit roles and stared in White Noise and where the hell is Val Kilmer (weight-gained and to star in Twixt. Yes, I know it was rhetorical)? It is understandable that Christian Bale is worried that when The Dark Knight Rises is over he wont have anything to go into. This does not forgive, however, considering a role for the Oldboy remake. Yes, an Oldboy remake. Spike Lee is on board to direct the American version of South Korean revenge horror powerhouse Oldboy and Christian Bale is said to be considering a role...

Don't consider Bale, put it down and step away. For your sakes and mine.



Best TV Theme Songs: Children Shows Part 2

Here we go again, part 2 of those insanely catchy, will be singing them throughout the day Children's Theme Songs that make you wish that you could still watch said cartoons and the world not be frowned upon you. But for now, we will let you  reminisce for while.....until you have to go back to work that is. 

 Pinky And The Brain

Pinky & The Brain are two laboratory mice who try to take over the world. Every single night. There isn't much to point out other than about 100% of the time it always fails but the hilarity between the two is pure gold. Despite the fact that the idiot/genius set up has been used since Laurel and Hardy, Warner Brothers add a slice of originality to this classic cartoon. And the theme song? The dark 1950's esque tune that pretty much tells you the story line with a bunch of men chanting along. Creepy? Yes. Catchy? Yes. 


Those heads at Warner Bros sure don't mess around when it comes to their cartoons or theme songs. Following a similar vein that Pinky & The Brain does, Freakazoid's title is that snappy swinging tune with men and women repetitively saying his name along with singing about his past, what he is and why he is. For those who haven't watched the cartoon though (and it is by far the most underrated cartoon ever. EVER!) Freakazoid is exactly that, a freak. He is an intelligent superhero he is above all things friggin' insane. Hence the pure genius of the show. Go on, call in sick at work and go watch some. I'll wait to move on. 

Fairly Odd Parents.

There's a reason these three clips are put together because of the similarity between the theme songs. This one even has the snapping. You can practically see the barbershop quartet leaning in with big grins and strumming their fingers away all in pinstripes with this one. But nonetheless it is still awesome, especially with the cameos of the characters such as the sensible Wanda and the loony Cosmo, the Fairy Godparents in which Timmy Turner has to help him with his day to day life against his crazy parents and brutal older sister Vicky. With wishes a plenty, Timmy Turner gets into much mischief with his fairies. Just make sure you don't watch the Nickalodean film. Whatever you do. Even if you are tricked by someone. You know who I'm talking about. Dinkleberg!

Care Bears

Don't you feel warm and fuzzy? Don't you feel the trouble of the world falling away from you as you listen to the theme song? No? Then you must be the dastardly No Heart and his brainless henchmen Screechy and Beastly. In this theme song, you can practically hear the emotional air grab as the singer bits his lip with heartfelt emotion. The Care Bears were your average toddler cartoon; each had their own personality disorder (Grumpy, Braveheart etc.) and some sort of love laser bursting out of their stomach. They would be sent down to teach earth about love and courage as well as each other using moral lessons. It is pretty much the bomb when it comes to learning about friendship. 

Poddington Peas

On a list of songs that will get into your head, this theme song is one of them. The tune is quite clearly a castaway from some 80's band who deemed it too unsuitable for a single but was soon eaten up by the BBC for a children's tv show. Shame of that 80's band. Incidentally, it is perhaps the British version of The Smurfs but green garden peas instead of blue creatures and had antropromorphic names like Creep-Pea (creepy, get it?) and no word of a lie Black-Eyed Pea (dammit Fergie.) They live at the bottom of the garden and have all-sorts of adventures with our day to day things.

Cat Dog

Can you remember that period of time where Nickalodean and other channels accepted a large number of, what I like to call them, batshit crazy cartoons and tried to pass them off as kids shows? (I'm looking at you Ren & Stimpy) Cat Dog was one of them. Now generally I can accept fairies, talking bears and other creations to entertain you after school. And I can even accept conjoined animals, but conjoined without a bottom? Two heads? Really? Still, it was entertaining enough and the theme show had that inbred...I mean red neck.. feel about it. 

Horrid Henry

Perhaps one of the two more recent cartoons to feature in these articles and for a good reason (I'm not being bitter but modern day cartoon theme songs suck..........a lot.) Horrid Henry, however, has enough gusto, guitars and a thoroughly annoying song to get in your head. With Nananananana's a go go, Horrid Henry is the child parents don't want but children love. He is, well, horrid and not a day goes by when he isn't getting into trouble. It's the plight of every child that is sung sweetly on the theme song that gets right to your heart string about the unfair situation they find themselves in. *wipes tear*


Set in Bluffington, Doug is about the trials and tribulations of grade schooler Doug Funnie as he maneuvers through life trying to get the girl, Patti Mayonnaise. Along with his best friend Skeeter and some whacky coloured characters, Doug finds solace in his diary. Now, the theme song is very simple and lovely but there are two and it depends on which one you prefer. Whether its the Nickelodeon acapella beat box and vocal or the Disney whistle, Doug has a memorable sound that you wont forget. So here is both; 


Saved By The Bell. 

More for our teenage eyes but still watched at whatever age we learnt what a remote was, Saved By The Bell was a television series that battled with the hard issues of puberty but with a comical 80's twist. It centre on Zach Morris, the narrator,  and his gang of friends as the attend Bayside High School. It was one of the most popular teen series ever and created two spin offs, a TV movie, a comic book series and a seriously unwanted sex tape from Screech (hey, remember when he grew up and became this extremely annoying high pitched idiot?.) The theme song summed up everything about a teenage; late for school, no homework and rocking guitar riffs. 


The best of the Warner Brothers cartoons, Animaniacs busted boundries with its child slapstick and unashamedly adult humor (or as the writers called "what can we slip past the censors?") The show  follows three siblings, Dot, Yakko and Wakko as they cause mayhem on the Warner Brother lots (after being locked away for years) much to the disdain of the shows head. They drop in on all of our favourite cartoons as well as films and pop culture causing and wrecking a lot on their way. The theme song is sang by the trio in a combination of random plot points and serious looniness. It is certainly a highlight of any childhood along with the brilliance of Wakko's Beatles accent. 

Thats all folks!


Next week we will look at Sitcom Theme Songs but if you think I've missed any more children shows please comment or send an email to hyperballad13@hotmail.co.uk. And if I have enough I'll create a Part 3. Trust me, I just thought of 3 more myself. 

P.S The Simpsons, is not a children's cartoon.
                                                          P.P.S I'll tell you why at a later post.

Film News: Box Office News

Last week we saw the battle for the US top spot between Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes and The Help, Rise Of Cling on for yet another week. However, this week, The Help toppled the revolutionary film to score a win. The film, which stars Emma Stone (win) reeled in $20 million over the weekend. If you aren't sure what the story is about; The Help centres on a writer who returns home one summer after college. She soon causes outrage by creating a story based around the black woman who serves many of the Southern Families around her. This is a touching comedy drama.

In UK box office news, we last saw Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes kick Harry Potter of the top spot and knock it way down. However, the rise of the unlucky underdog changed all that as The Inbetweeners Movie made box office history securely placing it a number one. The Inbetweener is now the biggest opening for a British comedy and took £13million ($21 million) in its first weekend beating previous record holder Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason.

Impressive for a comedy that only has three series, four misfits but a legion of fans. Full report later.



Film News Round Up: 17 - 20 August

Since my last installment, I hate to say it but there hasn't been anything on the good news front. Unfortunately, in the past couple of days it has been a hotbed for all things wrong. Namely sequels, Nicolas Cage, re-makes and trailers of said movies. Either that or the news has not been worth mentioning. So here is this installment of the latest news, the bad egg episode.

Bad News.

Bad news, I suppose, is how you look at it. For me the following news that the Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vegence. trailer has hit the internet makes me want to tear my eyes out. But for others such as Nicolas Cage fans or big fans of the first film (trust me, they exist!) there will be a lot of excited giddy squeals as they check out the trailer. Its not much and it is so cheesy it is giving Captain America a run for its money. But I suppose it does its job (of frustrating me)

Talking about sequels (and in this blog, there is going to a be a lot) the new trailer for Underworld: Awakening . I so wanted to put this in a good news segment, on its own, with 270932750702 words purely for Kate Beckinsale back in leather again but I'm sticking to my guns. The Underworld franchise has been incidentally played out to death (not quite sure if that's a pun) and although two heads are better than none with directors Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein (say them really quickly,) there is little if not no room to go with this that doesn't scream sense. I have to say though, the trailer looks ok 

Can you remember Johnny English? The clumsily stupid spy (although played terrifically by Rowan Atkinson)  who is forced into such high level japes? The film that inexplicably starred Natalia Imbruligia ? Yes, that one. It's getting a sequel 8 years down the line and we get to see the new trailer for it. Now, don't get me wrong some people will be screaming "But this is good news Cookie! Surely you love to silliness and the brilliance of Atkinson combined! More Johnny English, I say. MORE!" Well, yes there is a part of me that is excited but no, no I cant condone this. When will the film industry learn to leave things how they were?

Never, as news comes in thick and fast that Ridley Scott is to produce, sob sob, a new Blade Runner movie. Yes, Blade Runner. That brilliant cult classic staring Harrison Ford is to be getting a sequel, or a prequel or a re-make. And frankly, none of those words sound inviting. Although there is nothing we can go on; there's no story or writer in fact. And no news whether Ford will return. Or whether everyone in Hollywood is suffering from a degenerate disease that decides to churn out sequels or remakes like there no tomorrow.

Because frankly, I don't want to see another Rambo film anytime soon but alas, a new screenplay has been created for a fifth film. All Stallone has repeatedly said that "John Rambo is 99% done," Conan the Barbarian writer Sean Hood (aka, evil in in disguise)  has already penned a new script and submitted it. Ok, so I may be jumping the gun here as Rambo 5 hasn't had any green-light and is just a wad of paper in the chaos of a Hollywood executive table. But this is Hollywood and unfortunately wishes don't come true. Heck, there is a Ghost Rider 2............




Films To Go See This Week.

Seems that the British public are spoiled for choice this week as we have not only a homegrown comedy hitting out screens this week but one of the biggest blockbusters too. Lets see what top three films are blessing us this week.

Cowboys & Aliens 

In this brand new premise (that I haven't decided whether I like or not,) Daniel Craig place a mysterious man who ends up in the sleep town in Arizona. Not remembering who is and wearing a very bizarre bracelet, the locals are intrigue and scared by the stranger. That is until, a spaceship descends and begins rustling up locals for experiments. But Daniel Craig holds a key and perhaps the only weapon that will stop the Alien invasion. Who will win, advanced alien super-beings or gun slinging cowboys?

Directed by Jon Favreu and also staring Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde this is an action packed movie with explosions, hot men and guns. Perfect for any date with a boy.

The Inbetweeners Movie

A coming of age movie staring our favourite hapless quartet from the television series finally hits our screens this year. It's the end of sixth form and before they embark on to higher education; Will, Jay, Simon and Neil venture to the Greek island of Mallia for fun, booze and sex. Just as unlucky before, a series of unfortunate events bestows the foursome as they rage through the city but is luck is on the way as they meet a bunch of girls that could be perfect for them.

Just as funny as the series, check out the full review here

Spy Kids: All The Time In The World 4D 

Following pretty much the same story-line as the previous outings before it, Spy Kids 4 stars Jessica Alba as a boring stepmother who upsets the balance of Rebecca and Cecil (yes, people still call their kids Cecil.) When an evil TimeKeeper threatens to take over the world, the children soon find out that their new mother isn't exactly what she says she is; she is an all kick ass spy and the must help her save the world before it is too late.

Despite this being a sequel, it is fun enough for children and adults a like to enjoy with a lot of slapstick humor and wit to keep both entertained.

Other films out this week include hilarious The Guard and Danish Academy Award Winner  In A Better World.

Check them out and remember to have fun whilst doing so!


Review: The Inbetweeners Movie

I like to think of The Inbetweeners as the Great Bond; whether your young, old, famous, normal, chav, indie, emo, girl or boy it seems that The Inbetweeners is the best show around to connect people together (there are so little who seem displeased.) The award winning television show (winning a lot of audience nominated gongs), you can expect a full feature length film to be hyped up to the point where it can go two ways; fantastic and brilliant or disappointing and shambolic. With so much expectations and little that hadn't been done on the show, The Inbetweeners movie has to pull some spectacular moves to please all. Let me tell you, it really does.

If you haven't heard of The Inbetweeners (and let me personally welcome you back to civilization,) the film revolves around four unlucky in life misfits; the socially awkward brainiac Will (Simon Bird), the hopelessly love torn Simon (Joe Thomas), the sex pest liar Jay (James Buckley) and the brilliant but dim Neil (Blake Harrison.) At the end of their college years, the boys embark on a typical lad's holiday to see in their University years and to help Simon get over Carly, who recently dumped him. In the Greek resort of Mallia, the boys get up to as much mayhem, embarrassment and degradation as they do in the series from a shoddy resort to a lack of funding. When a bunch of equally misfitted girls arrive, it seems that their luck has finally changed for once.

The film is everything you would want from an Inbetweeners movie; the humor is fantastic. Ranging from quirky social faux pas' (such as Will yet again insulting a disabled girl) to gross out bodily functions and nudity (a quick note for gentlemen; its mostly male nudity,) The Inbetweener's movie hit all the right notes. And the jokes come on thick and fast without a moment to breath from the first joke to the next. Much credit is due to the actors, who not only bring tension to the gawky moments but also bring a sense of realism to the over the top moments that also happen. Each character has their own niche and it is play brilliantly throughout the film. Also, the newcomers (aka the girls) each bring a flare about them as they fit hand in hand with the guys and spar off each other in a fury of brilliant one liners.

Whilst this is all good though, it isn't exactly original and that is where the film fails. Instead of mirroring the fresh cringe worthy show, there seems to be many imitations of previous lad's holiday films including Kevin & Perry Go Large. Which is a shame because instead of the unique scenarios, there are many moments that are predictable and thus take away from the laugh out loud surprise that the writers Damon Beesley and Iain Morris were probably expecting. There are also points and great characters that were hyped up greatly in the trailers but only had a sparse amount of screen time, (menacing Head Teacher Mr Gilbert has a minimal role although he is excellent.)

You can't help but love Will, Jay, Simon and Neil despite their faults (they are, after all, kind of horrible.) But over the past three years you can't help but feel that you've grown up with them and watch them stumble through life like a very drunken Bambi. Its not a masterpiece and it is certainly not a film for the weak stomached but it serves its purpose well. It's a fiendish but hilarious take of that rite of passage; the drunken holiday.




Film News Round Up: 15 - 17 Of August

Ah its that time again for another does of your favourite (or horrifying) film news that is winging its way around the web.

Good News

The play is already well known for being wet-yourself-terrifying so some director (James Watkins) has decided to translate that to screen those unable to have seen the play can share that terror. The Woman In Black, although this may be bad news to some fans, has hit the internet with a completely scary trailer. If you are unsure about the storyline, it follows accountant Arthur Kipp (played by Daniel Radcliffe) as he starts a new job in a countryside house. Having only worked there during the day, when one night he misses his coach home, he finds that he should have bolted and ran home than stayed inside that house. I dare you to try sleep tonight after the trailer.

One of the most popular books has hit the screens and new posters were revealed for film We Need To Talk About Kevin. Tossing conversations between her ex husband (John C Reily), Eva (played by Tilda Swinton) opens up about the rocky relationship she had with her son,. All this centres around Kevin's wild shooting spree at his school and Eva is rocked to the core by the series of events. The book by Lionel Shriver itself is heartbreaking and delicate so it will be interesting to see that happen on screen. Take a look at posters with their atmospheric colour change and the moody faces. Boom, its going to be dramatic.

My favourite chubster actress is in hot demand since her incredible performance in Bridesmaids. Melissa McCarthy is now signed up for  ID Theft with Jason Bateman. As Bateman has no idea how to do much else apart from comedy and the title really gives away the premise, ID Theft is just about that, ID Theft. The script is by combination of The Pursuit Of Happyness's Steve Conrad and The Hangover 2's Craig Maizin (who changed the gender.) McCarthy certainly is popular, coming that extra mile from her original home of the Gilmore Girls. Which I loved her in. Bring more McCarthy! 

Bad News

It seems like The Crow curse is affecting the latest production of the remake. (Did I not tell you there was a remake? My bad, I thought it was a bad dream.) Bradley Cooper has flown the nest (which can be good news if you want to look at it that way,) as rockstar Eric Draven. Cooper has signed talks with Alex's Proyas (the first Crow creator, tee-hee) Paradise Lost and The Silver Lining playbook. The role is being offered to youngster Channging Tatum (well no,) and Mark Wahlberg (double no.) Its interesting that this is being made; the first one sadly killed Brandon Lee, ruined Edward Furlongs career (who made The Crow into more of an angry Goth than a tortured vengeance soul) and has spawned a bunch of ridiculous sequels. Including one with Tara Reid.


Thats all for today folks. Next one friday :)



Best TV Theme Songs: Children Shows Part 1

When I originally started out with the premise to do a blog about TV Theme Songs, I had originally planned one straight-forward blog with about 10-15 entries. I had no idea that I would spend the next day and a half going "Ahhhhhhhhhh that one!!" singing it and then adding it to the list. So what had been one blog, is now 4 and what was 10 entries is now 40. Plus, Children TV shows pretty much rule the roost.

I don't know whether it is the nostalgia thing or producers need a catchy rocking theme song to attract children to their show but they always seem to have the best ones. Whether its the catchy swing of The Flintstones or busting guitar cords like Pokemon, people remember them best. So here is the first part of the Best Children Show Theme songs and proof that I, at 22, still watch them.

Phineas and Ferb

If you haven't watched Phineas and Ferb, I suggest you stop what you are doing, get over to the telly, try to find it or go and watch some online. P+F is that perfect combination of weird silly humor that children love over complete dry wit and one liners that adults love. It's only 15 minutes long but that's enough to inject you we complete awesomeness. So what theme song could express all that cool and greatness. Why, obviously a kick high powered pop punk one by band Bowling For Soup! It perfectly expresses the randomness of the show.

Student Bodies 

Mainly for your older children, Student Bodies was like Saved By The Bell but with cartoons because our main protagonist, Cody, is the cartoonist for the student paper  "Student Bodies." While others tackle hard real life problems (with humorousness, of course) Cody drew all over them and created creatures of his imagination. The theme song, and I mean the first season theme song because Student Bodies producer went and totally ballsed it up with a more "conventional theme song" grabbed that essence. Not only does everyone totally agree with what the narrator says but its followed with  r'n'b rap brilliance. Altogether now... *weird voice* "Student Bodies...."


Possible the theme song I sing the most, Cardcaptors was a mystical adventure and a quest for all time. See Sakura, a shows hero, opens a book that sets all the Clow cards racing across her city. Sakura now must find them as each card (such as Wind, Rain, Shadow, Wood, Sword, Thunder, Power, Sleep etc) start affecting their world around them. Along with her best friend and the guardian Beast Of The Seal Cerberus (the cutest beast every,) Sakura must bring them back home. The theme song, the English theme song that is, captures the energy of the show and the lead singer of the theme song is 100% enjoying himself here as you can tell he was probably rejected by some boyband.

Pat Sharps Fun House

The greatest punishment my mother every gave to me was grounding me in my room and banning me from watching Pat Sharps Fun House. I remember hear the theme song and crying my eyes out. Incidentally, I heard this in a shop the other day and went mental. Pat Sharps Fun House was the greatest game show for children ever as Pat Sharp, along with The Twins and his incredible hair guided contestants along a crazy assault course of competitions including gunge, water, go karts and that wonderful house. Every child I knew dreamed of going on the show. The theme song is just as silly and highlights just why we were begging our parents to fill out a form.

Top Cat

I can hear everyone clicking there fingers around to this one. Top  Cat was 1960's cartoon about a gang of cats who went around and terrorized the streets of their town and one brave Officer Dibble, is on a mission to stop them. Ok, so thats not how everyone remembers it but its pretty much what happens as Dibble tries to get Top Cat and his mischievous cohorts out of the alley with little to no success. The theme song had one of those swinging 60's esque tune most family shows had at that era.

Spongebob Squarepants

Perhaps the show on this list that makes no sense at all but we still watch it for its wackiness and quirkiness. Spongebob is a sponge who lifes under the sea with his best friends, Patrick Star (a starfish) and Sandy (a squirrel  yes a squirrel.) And they have all sorts of mayhem including sea-bears, coloured patties, driving boats (underwater,) a crab boss with a whale daughter and a full feature length musical film with David Hasslehoff. It's pure maddness. The theme song is just as nautical and silly as a pirate sings to children explaining about Spongebob and its sheer manic genius.

Cow and Chicken

On a list of totally messed up cartoons that made it to Cartoon Network, this would have to be on top of them. Cow And Chicken follows a complete alien birth where two humans end up having a cow and a chicken. The show basically follows those adventures as they grow up (and more and more absurd) and have to thwart "The Red Guy" (basically the devil) as he tries to mislead them. The show is crazy but the title sequence is pretty simply though it is tuneful and catchy.

Hey Arnold!

This cool and collected theme song is certainly just as collected Arnold is along with his best friend Gerald and bully Helga. Arnold is the guy everyone wants around who not only solves his own predicaments but everyone elses at school. The show often solves mysteries told by Gerald and include some pretty weird stuff but nevertheless, Hey Arnold! kept its realism. The highlight would be that Helga, who taunts "football head," throughout the series is secretly in love with him. Its pretty epic.


Another Japanese show and where the first series and the English series pretty much had the best title sequence. If you don't know what Pokemon is you have really been under a rock for a decade, haven't you? Pokemon cartoon is based on the video games where you have to capture monsters and train them. This all leads up to quite seedy underground animal fights otherwise known as Pokebattles between other trainers. Ash is our main character and although we are probably on season 30470374, he hasn't aged and is still a big hit with children (and geeky adults.) The theme song is totally a rip off of 80's action movies like Top Gun (and I suspect the same guy who does CardCaptors) but it is still full of fist pumping beats!.


Arthur is an aardvark. Yes an aardvark and he lives in Elwood city with his anthropomorphic friends (otherwise known as animal freaks) learning the lessons of life, friendship and family. Its classic children's TV where a character in the show learns an important part of growing up and therefore there is an underlining moral message. Of course, there are laughs and annoying sister D.W certainly gets boys related to Arthur but it is a heart-warming cartoon and one of my favourites. The theme song is ace because it captures that community message in a reggae pop beat that I know everyone who watched this can sing word for word. Because everyday when your walking down the street......


Part 2 will be ringing its way to you soon with such classics as Inspector Gadget, Animaniacs and more. If you havent seen your favourite yet, hold on people I have much more to get through.